The Short Stories
The short stories of Judah Lamey,
as well as the Stories of Quillville.
as well as the Stories of Quillville.
Let’s take a walk down winding cobblestone streets, filled with the aromas of coffee and tea, and have a little talk.
What is Quillville? It is a city populated entirely by writers of the #WritingCommunity. Not to be confused with their characters, we want this city to still be standing in a month after all. A city of writers all finding their place, carving out their niche. Take a look around, we always have room for more. What all do we have? Well for starters on our walk here, what you may have assumed was a city park on the left, is actually Little-Hobbiton. Much like Chinatown or Little Italy in New York City. Little-Hobbiton is a lovely subterranean community of stores and homes. We also have a number of coffee shops, each with a unique twist. We have a fire chief, who is actually a nun hiding their true identity. And, well, If I get into all of what we have now, we will be on this tour forever. So, what’s next? Glint of Mischief here, is proud to announce they will be the official home of the “Stories of Quillville” a weekly short story from the #WritingCommunity about a day in the life of their corner of our wonderful little city. If you want to get connected and find out more, search the hashtags: #CityofQuillville #StoryofQuillville And if you want to hear the official city meeting notes, stop by and see our Mayor @LombardEmma or follow the hashtag #MayorofQuillville If you are interested in having your story of Quillville hosted, you can contact me by DMing @GlintofMischief As far as guidelines for the stories, one of the goals is to showcase your skills as a writer so make sure you take a look over them and give them a little polish. Don't step on other writers ideas and creations. Also I apologize if it puts a cramp in your style, but we are keeping things pg-13 and part of that would be no sexual content.
Judah LameyHere you will find a growing collection of my Short Stories. From pieces I wrote for competitions, to some of my world building stories. Some of the longer ones, will be broken down and released as Chapters. Categories
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